Saturday, January 31, 2009

Continually Confusing

What good points you make- particularly when you refer to the Leland (Critical Literacy) and Cambourne pieces- - - It was interesting that each of you found a way to bring PURPOSEFUL literature into your ideal vision of a classroom. I wonder if you have considered what we might have to "give up" in order to make time for such critical literature--- or would we have to give anything up? I like that you mentioned the elements of literacy (consume, produce, respond)  as "working together." Maybe we should plan for our students to engage in each of these actions every day--- or maybe we could hit all of these things with one activity such as a read aloud with discussion and reader response or even a literature circle.  It also reminds me a bit of what we saw when we watched the video of the kindergarten teacher and her students engaging in "literacy" independently, purposefully, and in varying ways. I also agree that our definitions of literacy are continually confusing. Good teachers are continually confused in that they are always considering the students in their room and the ways to engage them in activities that push them beyond their current understanding--- Good teachers do literacy in more than one way, and different all the time. Continually confusing, maybe. Effective, yes.

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